Fall update: Locker rooms, Boat handling

Boathouse and Fleet Safety & Procedures- Please read!

Safety Guidelines

Before anyone is allowed to row, you must review and electrically sign our safety guidelines. 

Locker rooms - update: (Locker Rooms closed for use until October 10)

As we move into fall there will be a need for folk to change out of wet cold clothes. We are going to temporarily open the locker rooms for changing only as a test. You may use the locker rooms to store any personal items in the room or your locker and you may change as needed. The doors will remain propped open to reduce touch points and you must continue to social distance. There should be no more than 4 people in a locker room at a time. Toilet facilities continue to be emergency only and require cleaning after use. Showers remain off limits. 

Club Boats

Riverside owns 5 Club singles, so to supplement our club fleet we added several Hudsons (numbered as in the boat reservation log).

The Hudsons are on a rack on the downstream side of the boathouse.

Boat Reservations

Everyone using club equipment will be required to reserve their boat, up to 3 days in advance.

The first tab on the signout log  is labeled "boat reservations," please note that you must both reserve a boat and sign it out on the log for the specific date.

There are three time slots:

  • 5:30am-8:30am

  • 9am-12pm

  • after 1pm

All boats must be washed and away before the end of the window. To adjust to these new time slots, Club boats may be out until 12pm on Fridays.

Saturdays and Sundays remain the same in by 10am, so there is only one single slot from 5:30-8:30.

Any one who had an existing boat assignment has been added to the drop-downs in the reservation system. If you are not on the reservation drop down, have paid your dues, are captain’s tested, and would like to be added, please message the Captain. (Details below)

Boat Handling, Damage and Collision Reporting

If you are new to sculling or would just like a boat handling refresher, please contact the Captain for support. Riverside has a team of experts waiting to help you if you have any questions.

Report boat damage here. We can’t fix it, if we don’t know its broken. Review the Boat Damage Policy.

Also, all collisions/incidents need to be reported. Even if no damage ensued. Especially if you collide with rowers from other clubs on the river. The incident reporting form is found here.

Coached sessions - On Hold

Boat Cleaning and Maintenance

  • Please return all boats to their designated locations and in the correct cover, if there is a cover. Boats and oars must be washed with soap and water after every use. There is a station set up on the downstream side of the dock. Please focus on the cockpit area and all high touch areas on the boat and oars. 

  • After washing the boat, return tennis balls (if applicable) and bring the boat into the bay and rack it. Do not use slings in the bay or remain in the bay anytime longer than needed.

  • Wash oar handles in bleach buckets and then rinse. Do not touch other people’s property (private boats, towels, oars, etc.).

  • If there is any issue with a boat, contact the Captain immediately. We can't fix it if we don't know it's broken!

Things to remember

  1. There is a timestamp so please be respectful of the three day reservation rule. We have limited boats and a lot of active rowers. Definitely a good problem!

  2. You must wash club boats after each use

  3. If you have an issue with a boat, please let me know. We cannot fix things if we don't know they are broken. 

  4. Feedback is important. Nothing, including time slots, is set in stone. We are constantly evaluating our process and guidelines. Feedback from the membership is crucial to keeping this operation going!

Feedback and Communication with Captain / Safety Committee

We ask that anyone who rows provide feedback, comments, and concerns to the Captain,  alexis[dot]sneff[at]gmail[dot]com and the safety committee, rbc-safety-committee [at] googlegroups [dot] com.

Social distancing, wearing masks, cleaning surfaces and providing critical feedback are essential. 

Remember at all times!

  1. You must read and sign the Rules and Guidelines and adhere to them all times.

  2. You must wear a mask while on Riverside property, inside the boathouse, in the boat bays, and on the ramps and docks.

  3. All members will be required to lock the bay doors at all times. 

  4. You must log in and out on the shared google spreadsheet.

  5. Summer rules apply! Club boats may not be on the river after 12:00 PM Friday, and 10:00 AM Saturday, and Sunday beginning the Friday before Memorial Day weekend and extending through Labor Day.

  6. COVID Reporting: Report any potential exposure, required test, or positive test to the Captain and Rich Emmel. All parties will remain confidential. 

  7. TRAVEL: If you have traveled to a high-risk state, you must quarantine for 14 days. So no boat house and no rowing if you have been to any red state listed here: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/covid-19-travel-order#lower-risk-states-